Monthly Archives: December 2017

Workers Are Screwed If They Go To The Labor Board

At the NLRB, GOP Board Members Show How to Play Hard Ball Published December 21st, 2017 – ANDREW STROM — — While the media was focusing on the drama over the Republican tax bill, last week the new Republican majority on the…

Trump Says — OK To Steal Workers’ Money

News from EPI: Proposed rule would protect employers who steal workers’ hard-earned tips By Heidi Shierholz • December 2017  Today the Trump administration took their first major step towards allowing employers to legally take tips earned by the workers they employ. The…

Destroy Unions – Dis-invest in infrastructure — What do you get?

Wisconsin Has Seen Largest Middle-Class Decline Of Any State, Study Finds Wisconsin’s middle class saw the steepest decline in the country since 2000, according to a new study. Photo: U.S. Department of Agriculture (CC-BY) Economist Says De-Unionization, Recession, Erosion Of Manufacturing Are Factors…

Starting to get it. Labor and Climate Change.

The New AFL-CIO Stand on Climate Change What Does It Mean for Labor and for the Climate? by  Jeremy Brecher At its Quadrennial Convention in late October, the AFL-CIO unanimously adopted a resolution on “Climate Change, Energy, and Union Jobs.” []…